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Undeads flagship game Beta registration is now open

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Large selection of weapons and vehicles
Win trophies and leaderboard prizes
Redeem game points to crypto

Earn up to 50% referral commission

Share your Rush referral link to get the following USDT rewards for in-game payments (in desktop game version) from your referral.

Coins purchase

Referral reward



You have to race through the half-destroyed terrain, avoid obstacles and exterminate crowds of zombies in various ways. Challenge the deadly danger, destroy as many reanimated dead!

Large selection of weapons and vehicles
Race online & earn as many game points as you can
Take leading positions in daily & monthly leaderboards
Engaging structure of crypto rewards

How to play

Own Undeads or partner NFT
Access your dashboard
Play & upgrade game assets
Nov 2023 - Jan 2024
Earn game points
Nov 2023 - Jan 2024
Airdrop campaign completion
May 2024
Points —> Tokens swap activation
Distribution of UDS tokens to players
May 2024

5 types of vehicles

Old Taxi

A timeless classic. New York City cabs are not only a means of transportation, but also one of the main symbols of Manhattan. It's hard to remember the last time this old-timer gave rides to customers. It is rusty and creaks on the corners, but by some miracle it is still on the move. All its performance leaves much to be desired, but you have to start somewhere, don't you? To save your own life, you will have to become the fastest cab driver in history.

Old Taxi

1 | 5

3D Character

Weapon types

The more powerful your weapon is, the more rewards you earn.

Weapon types

The more powerful your weapon is, the more rewards you earn.

Category Sprite

Machine Gun

Category Sprite

Mini Gun ‘Fury’

Category Sprite

Flamethrower ‘Inferno Tickler’

Category Sprite

Grenade Launcher ‘Havoc Blaster’

Category Sprite

Laser ‘Thunderstrike’

Machine Gun

Cheap and surly. Simple and robust design, nothing superfluous. Point damage: one target - one round - one corpse and a pool of blood (if you're lucky). Doesn't do much damage, but still better than ramming or hunting zombies with your bare hands. The starting step in the game for ranged destruction.


Climb the Leaderboard, Win Big! Compete for a spot in the TOP50 of our daily and monthly leaderboards to earn valuable game points. Your gaming skills could lead to fantastic rewards, as these points will soon be exchangeable for UDS tokens in May 2024. Show off your talent, score high, and get ready to reap the rewards!

Leaderboard & competitions

Climb the Leaderboard, Win Big! Compete for a spot in the TOP50 of our daily and monthly leaderboards to earn valuable game points. Your gaming skills could lead to fantastic rewards, as these points will soon be exchangeable for UDS tokens in May 2024. Show off your talent, score high, and get ready to reap the rewards!


More information can be found when you Sign in to the Dashboard.

Jun 25





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Game Points

Game Points Rewards

Game Points are rewarded to users for their position in Undeads Rush Leaderboard (hereinafter - Leaderboard). Game Points are credited to TOP50 users in the Daily and Monthly Leaderboard.

Daily Leaderboard displays top results in Undeads Rush achieved for the day. A day is a 24h period from 0:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC.

Monthly Leaderboard displays top results in Undeads Rush achieved for a calendar month. A calendar month is a 30/31-day period (28 days for February) from 0:00 UTC on the 1st day of the month and to 23:59 UTC on the last day of the month.

Rewards & upgrades

Boost your game points with upgrades to take the first spot in the leaderboard and grab your share of rewards pool



Killing zombies in packs but still not enough points? Surviving in inhuman conditions, but your new car is still not unlocked? Why deny yourself the pleasure of earning twice as many points per race? Experience double the thrill with double the benefits




You fly into a crowd of zombies: some of them you kill with a battering ram, others you shoot, you earn a ton of points, but at the last moment you get a deadly damage? If the situation is painfully familiar, it's time to resurrect. Yeah, yeah, you got that right. And not just resurrect, but also with half of your health. Feel yourself a real phoenix and avenge your enemies for your death




What could be more functional than a shield? Only a shield in combination with other bonuses. Simple as all geniuses: it protects you from any harm in the game for 30 seconds. You can fly into crowds of zombies, into obstacles, and even the varnish on your car won't crack! Feel 100% protected




Survivors say: the faster you go, the more zombies you can ram into. For true connoisseurs of the pleasure of extreme driving at unrealistic speeds. Feel yourself the king of the track on a new level!




Reload, shoot and reload again. Only ammunition will help you last longer. A simple conclusion follows from this: the more you have them, the higher the chance. Plus the magnetic field will do all the dirty work for you, because you won't have to drive into the thick of enemies every time